
Friday, February 26, 2010

So....How do you Recycle? Or Do You?

Just wondering how you recycle around your home, work, or where ever you're at in any given time?

I would consider our family "moderate" recyclers. We have the standard blue recycle bin at our home and we do a pretty good job of filling that up each week for the trash collectors to pick up. Of course, in our location there are rules as to what exactly you can throw in that bin.

The kids have boarded the band wagon with us and do a pretty good job of reminding us when we accidentally throw something in the regular garbage bag. Sometimes it just feels "easier" to no recycle.

Then I think of all of the trash in the world....and where are we going to put it all if we can't make the recyclable stuff into something useful, and recyclable again?

Of course, at work (a large corporation) we have stations throughout the building where we can separate paper, aluminum cans, glass and plastic bottles, cardboard and boxes, and then just basic trash. It makes it easier when it's laid out for you like that. Kudos to companies that are trying to give back to the community and the environment.

I'm sure if some of my friends or family were to read this they would say..."Wow, he's gone granola!" because I'm not real vocal about things like this. I usually try to follow the rules of what makes sense and be a good example. I don't consider myself what others would call a tree hugger, just a Dad that would like to help ensure there are some trees and parks around for his kids and hopefully someday, grand kids.

So...back to my question in the title....How do you recycle? Or do you? Comment on this post. I also have a poll on this page where you can vote. I'm interested in your comments.

Oh yea! Another way I recycle is I reuse envelopes and boxes for mailing. I'm sure you've read on here that I have on-line stores selling all kinds of books and other things as they come available. Well, I gather used envelopes and the perfect sized boxes and reuse them. Just another way to "save a tree" I guess. I also (now this is a stretch) recycle by finding used and vintage books and provide them to people to either buy or I donate a lot to Goodwill and other charities.

Happy blogging! I hope to here from you in some comments.

While you're at it, check out one of our stores. Links are at the top of the page and there's a scroll bar at the bottom with some great books you should consider.


1 comment:

  1. Yes I try to recycle too. Actually here to let you know I responded to your comment at Add visitor counter... and thought it may be profitable for you to read my response. Also, thanks because you reminded me that it will be good to update that post.
