
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Summer Is Almost OVER!

Can you believe it? Seems like just yesterday we were anticipating Summer and all it was going to hold for us. Kids out of school (whether it's Home School, Private School, Public School, College, whatever). We were planning our vacations, trips to the pool, the amusement park, spending time with our family.

Now it's almost August and most of the nation will be returning to school in August and thoughts will be turned to the next possible event...the Holidays!

Well, to help with some School Shopping, we decided to clean out our closets and home school room and offer some more resources that can be a blessing to you and your family.

As you may have read here or in some of my forum posts, we have triplets. They are 11 years old going on 16 asking for Blackberry phones, iPod Touch, planning their first car...REALLY???? Your first CAR?? I mean, you're only 11 !!!! Anyway, we typically have 3 of everything and we are offering the following in our www.bonanzle.com/jkl_book_supply store.

There are 3 Leap Pad/Leap Frog Learning Systems complete with zippered storage carrying case. See the listings for the details of each. They are all in good to very good condition.

We also have the following books and cartridges available for these systems.

Don't forget to stop by all of our stores for great deals on books, home decor, sports memorabilia, martial arts weapons, you name it we are adding more and more each week!

Soon to come, jackets and coats for this school year!

Thanks for reading and following our blog,

The JKL team!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Disney Classics - Unleash your INNER Child!

I've just listed some great Disney Classic Hardback Books!

The Aristocats
Winnie the Pooh
Robin Hood
Brer Rabbit in the Briar Patch

Take a look! JKL Book Supply Children's Books

We offer great deals on Childrens books, home school resources, vintage elementary school books, as well as sports memorabilia, martial arts equipment, etc.

Stop by any of our stores anytime. Any questions, let us know!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

HUGE Christmas in July Sale at Bonanzle!!!

I've never seen anything like this! Over 207 vendors participating in a Christmas In July Sale on Bonanzle where there are probably thousands of great gift ideas discounted 10%, 15%, 20%....who knows the savings you can get!!

Go to www.109frontstreet.com to see the list of vendors and their website addresses.

Go directly to our store at http://www.bonanzle.com/booths/JKL_Book_Supply to get 15% off of EVERYTHING in the store RIGHT NOW!! Just use coupon code "JulySale" at checkout.
You heard me right, everything in JKL Book Supply is 15% off. Many items are offered with FREE SHIPPING so you save even MORE!!

Please come support this sale and the many great people at Bonanzle.com.

At JKL we offer hundreds of book selections from Home School resources, college text books, chapter books, vintage classics, school subjects, photography, auto repair (Chilton's, Haynes), Girl Guides, you name it in books. We also have Bakugan trading cards and battle brawlers, The Pampered Chef, Sports Memorobilia (Cincinatti Reds, Detroit Tigers, Cleveland Indians) and much much more.

Please stop by....